Ankündigungsflyer, das vorläufige Programm und Anmeldung: hier

Grußwort der Kongresspräsidentinnen:

Dear friends and colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2025 Annual API meeting!
We have put together an exciting program on the topic of New therapeutic approaches for
Immune Disorders, ranging from targeted therapies to cell and gene therapies.
The meeting will be held in the beautiful Kloster Nimbschen, a former estate of the Cistercian
monastery Marienthron near Leipzig, where Katharina von Bora lived her humble life before
marrying Martin Luther. This historic site has been transformed into a charming conference
We hope that Kloster Nimbschen will provide a pleasant and inspiring atmosphere that will
encourage collegial interaction, scientific exchange and lively discussions between clinicians and
scientists for the benefit of our patients suffering from rare diseases that are not always easy to
diagnose or treat.

Prof. Dr. Catharina Schütz & Prof. Dr. Min Ae Lee-Kirsch